Last week I was excited, and a little nervous, to present at the Land Trust Alliance’s 2024 Rally, the national land conservation conference. I have attended six Rallies, and they are professional, inspiring, and fun! I have learned so much from experienced professionals at Rally over the years, could I rise to the challenge in sharing my ideas about “Impact Cycles?”
The 25 folks that hung around until the last of six sessions to join me had a lot of fun and a lot of insights into the value of using cycles for designing our work. I have taken Jim Collins’ brilliant “Flywheel Effect” from the Good to Great book series, and centered impact as a way to grow, build momentum, evolve, and increase your impact over time.
I am glad to share my hand-out from the session, below. I would love to talk with you about how this might be useful for you, and how you might improve the presentation or thinking. Thanks to the great folks at the Land Trust Alliance for the opportunity to share this model, and to get some insights into it, and thanks to the folks who joined my workshop to learn and share!